A meeting with a foreign leader usually does not have any great meaning.
The Secretary of State and the President. But ultimately it ought to be the people (and I mean people, not corporate business interests) because we elect the President and Senate who choose and confirm the Secretary of State.
They can't but, if the president could fire the vice president, this could mean that the person who is the vice president was not the person citizens voted for in the presidential elections. First, that could cause anger amongst people who would feel cheated/betrayed. Secondly, the president could carefully select who they wanted to be vice president so that the vice president agrees with everything the president says, giving more power to the president (turning the vice president into a 'puppet leader').
Foreign address simply means an address belonging to a foreign country. For example, in the USA, an Indian address would be considered a foreign address.
a president that is in ofice
The President is both the head of state and the head of government (i.e. United States, most countries in the Western Hemisphere). This is as opposed to a parliamentary system where the head of state is a President or monarch and the head of government is the Prime Minister (Britain, ex-European colonies).
To be a leader!
To be a leader!
He/she/it greets; salutes.
"Assuming you mean the "Peruvian" government leader, it's President Alan Garcia Perez.
the president represents the US when he or she travels to other countries to meet with foreign leaders.THANK YOU FOR CHOOSING MY ANSWER:]
I assume you mean the US Senate. The constitution specifies that the Vice President (currently Joe Biden) is the President of the Senate. However, the Vice President plays little role in the Senate these days. Most of the power is shared between the Senate Party leaders, currently Harry Reid (Majority Leader) and Mitch McConnell (Minority Leader).
The president, you mean? He is called Lula. Luis Inácio 'Lula' da Silva.
What do you mean? Do you mean 'Could India have an AfroAmerican leader?' or do you mean 'Could America have a president of Indian background?'
If you mean the president, the Constitution determines that he or she can be elected for a 4-year term, and can be re-elected for one additional term. Dilma Rousseff was inaugurated as President of Brazil on 1 January 2011.
If by "leader" you mean Prime Minister (we don't have a president)....I would probably say Pierre Trudeau. Or maybe John A. MacDonald
greet means that you should have respect and greet people that are older than you.. repect you elders
bigg mean person