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Q: When someone dies intestate and has no immediate family how to sell property who has to sign does it go as far as second cousins if their aunt ir uncle are deceased?
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Who sits in the second funeral car?

It is normally the immediate family of the person that has died, such as parents, brothers and sisters, if there are no immediate relatives then it would be aunts, uncles cousins and so on, however it is up to the family arranging the funeral to decide who goes where. Indeed, the deceased may have already decided before they died by making their own funeral arrangements.

Is it OK that you like your cousin?

As long as you have sex in the privacy of your own home. You cannot marry your immediate family including immediate cousins (illegal: mom's brother's daughter).

Can you inherit your dead cousins un-paid home without a will?

If you are the nearest relative and there is no living immediate family.

Your aunt died intestate you are her closest living relative as her niece but would first cousins once removed be able to claim?

That depends on the law of inheritance in the state where your aunt had her last residence.

Which of these family members are relatives and not considered as immediate family?

Your immediate family are your parents, siblings, spouse, and kids. Every one else, (your grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, nephews, nieces, etc) are your relatives.

Is a once removed cousin immediate family?

In the US, immediate family is usually considered to be parents, children and perhaps grandparents. Cousins of any sort are not considered to be immediate family unless a particular cousin has been living as a member of a nuclear family for many years.

Are Jane and St. John related?

Yes, Jane and St. John are cousins. St. John is the brother of Jane's deceased father.

What happens to someones house when they die having left no will nor heirs?

When a person dies intestate then the probate laws of the state where the person lived takes precedence in the distribution of property and other assets, In addition, all debts of the deceased must be paid out of the estate according to their priority. Contacting the clerk of the probate court in the city or county where the deceased resided will help obtain more specific information. Usually it will be auctioned by the local government. -DJ Craig

Who is responsible for property if the owner dies?

The person who will "acquire" the property must commence a probate proceeding in the probate court. That means you need to present the will for allowance and be appointed the executor or if there is no will you must petition to become the administrator of the estate. The only way for title to real property to pass to an heir is through probate court. You should seek the advice of an attorney who can assist you in this process.

You inherited a friends estate 3 weeks his cousin died intestate they were first cousins are you entitled to the estate or the cousin once removed?

You have no relationship with the cousin, so you are not entitled to anything from the estate unless the cousin died and left it to your friend before your friend died.

What is the term for family in which you are a child?

The question is'nt clear, but... Your father, mother, and siblings are called your "immediate family." Grandparents, cousins, aunts, uncles... they are called your extended family.

If two cousions get married what is the chance of their child will be premature?

Depends on what degree of cousins you are... if you are immediate (1st degree cousins), the likelihood of birth defects and/or premature birth are greatly increased--- compared to a non-related couple. If you however are 2nd , 3rd or more removed cousins through family relations, you are far more unlikely to encounter any problems with your children.