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The teacher is awesome!

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Q: When people say super teacher what does it mean?
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What does como se dice teacher mean?

it means how do you say teacher

What does 'sensei' mean?

In Japanese it means 'One who has gone before.' Most people simply say it means teacher.

How do you say you are an awesome teacher in french?

vous êtes un / une super professeur

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Is it normal for a teacher to say you are iron man?

No, unless they are iron man, ask them what they mean and put them straight, if they then say, i am super man, get another teacher, if that teacher says i am wonder man, your in a sticky ad tricky situation! Ha Lol, be careful! Maybe pretend your one of them, pretend to make a few webs and yell I am spider man!!

How do you say super in Brazil?

If you mean super as an adjective. It is the same word. Super Hero = Super Heroi (eroi)

How do you say a mean teacher female in spanish?

Maestra mala

What can be done to help put a stop to the bulling in school?

You speak about it to a teacher or the principal and tell who is bulling you and what he does to you. Now, tell the teacher or principal to not tell the bully that you told them that. You need to keep it as a secret. Tell the teacher to tell the bully that he saw him doing intimidation to people, and that he would like him to stop. Now, the teacher will say the information you just told him example: The teacher says: I saw you and heard you say mean things and intimidate some people.

If you have volen tired for to say your burns poem at the school super what do you do?

Get someone who is good at speaking to coach you. Maybe a teacher, or a relative?

Is it wrong to dance with a teacher in prom?

not really, if people laugh just say i like to dance with my teacher you have a problem with that?

What does wilikers mean?

Wilikers is a word only cool people use that no one is quite sure what it is supossed to mean, but it is super fun to say! Ex. OMGW (oh my gee wilikers)

What does a teacher mean when they say a student is exceptional?

You performed above and beyond what was expected of you. Congratulations.