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S1 which is the closing of the atrioventricular valves.

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14y ago

closure of atrioventricular valves of heart.

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Q: The first heart sound is heard when?
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Where is the s1 heart sound heard the loudest?

S1 makes a "lub" sound. It is the first heart sound in a normal rhythm. The sound is produced when the AV valves close.

Which part of the heart makes the heartbeat sound?

A heartbeat produces the familiar "LUB-DUP" sounds as the chambers contract and the valves close. The first heart sound, "lub," is heard when the ventricles contract and the atrioventricular valves close. This sound last longest and has a lower pitch. The second heart sound, "dub," is heard when the relaxation of the ventricles allows the semilunar valves to close.

How many decibels does the human heart make?

Does a heart make decibels? Never heard a heart.

What causes the sounds that are normally heard when listening to the heart through a stethoscope?

The sound is caused by the closing of valves in the heart.

What causes the lubb dupp heart sounds that are heard while taking a apical pulse?

The closure of mitral and tricuspid valves causes the first heart sound. The second heart sound is produced by the closure of semilunar valves (pulmonic and aortic valves).

What cause the lubb-dupp heart sounds that are heard while talking an apical pulse?

The closing of the valves in the heart. The first sound is caused by the closing of the atrioventricular valves within the heart. The second sound is caused by the shutting of the aortic and pulmonary valves.

What is an abnormal sound heard when listening to the heart or neighboring large blood vessels?

heart murmur

What heart sound is stronger at the apex of the heart?

First heart sound S1-LUB

What is the origin of heart sounds?

Heart sounds originate from the closure of heart valves during the cardiac cycle. The first heart sound (S1) is produced by the closure of the mitral and tricuspid valves, while the second heart sound (S2) is caused by the closure of the aortic and pulmonary valves. These sounds can be heard using a stethoscope during a physical examination.

Who first heard of sound?

the first one to hear a sound is obviously the first man on the earth!

What are the heart chambers that are filled when you hear the first heart sound?

after the first heart sound is made ventricles starts emptying.

What do you call a gurgling or swishing sound heard upon auscultation of the heart?
