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*** Observed Days ***


Country Event 2010


Italy New Year's Day Fri, Jan 1

Italy Epiphany Wed, Jan 6

Italy Vatican Lateran Pact Anniver. Thu, Feb 11

Italy Father's Day Fri, Mar 19

Italy Daylight Saving Time begins Sun, Mar 28

Italy Easter Day Sun, Apr 4

Italy Easter Monday Mon, Apr 5

Italy Liberation Day Sun, Apr 25

Italy Workers' Day Sat, May 1

Italy Mother's Day Sun, May 9

Italy Republic Day Wed, Jun 2

Italy Daylight Saving Time ends Sun, Oct 31

Italy All Saints' Day Mon, Nov 1

Italy WWI Anniversary Day Sun, Nov 7

Italy Immaculate Conception Wed, Dec 8

Italy Christmas Day Sat, Dec 25

Italy Boxing Day Sun, Dec 26


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Q: When is the Italian national holiday and what is it celebrating?
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