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The Antarctic Treaty has no expiry date listed in its text.

Modifications to it are possible, however.

To date, no modifications have been ratified, so its original text remains intact.

Read more about it, below.

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7y ago

The Antarctic Treaty is up for renewal in 2040

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Continents don't disappear.

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Q: When does the Antarctica treaty run out?
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What states are in antarctica?

There are no states in Antarctica; Antarctica is governed by The Antarctic Treaty.

Is Antarctica a county?

No, Antarctica is a continent governed by the Antarctic Treaty.

What are the laws protecting antarctica?

The Antarctic Treaty protects Antarctica.

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There are no places protecting Antarctica, Antarctica is protected but an international treaty.

What is the name of the treaty that governs Antarctica?

The treaty is called the Antarctic Treaty. You can read it, below.

What is the agreement about Antarctica?

Antarctica is not split up. Earth, south of 60 degrees South latitude, is governed by the Antarctic Treaty, which includes Antarctica.

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There IS no mining in Antarctica- it is protected by international treaty.

Is all of antarctica a nature preserve?

No. Antarctica is governed by the Antarctic Treaty.

How many cities are in Antarctica?

There are no 'cities' in Antarctica. There are a number of semi-permanent bases usually run by the military for research purposes.

Is Antarctica included in United Nations?

No, because Antarctica is not a nation. Antarctica is a continent governed by the Antarctic Treaty.

Is fishing a problem in Antarctica?

There is no commercial fishing in Antarctica: it is prohibited by the Antarctic Treaty.

Does Antarctica have only one country?

There are no countries in Antarctica: it is governed by The Antarctic Treaty.