Athens High School in Athens, Georgia was merged with Burney-Harris High School and renamed Clarke Central High School in 1970. The last graduation from Athens High School was in 1969.
The distance from Savannah, GA to Athens, GA is roughly 222 miles.
Hilsman Middle School in Athens Ga. 70-25
August 10
“from Charleston, SC to Uni of Georgia, Athens, GA by car”
43 miles
230 miles.
73 miles
123 miles
Athens, Georgia's area is 75,664 acres.
The distance between Atlanta GA, USA, and Athens, Greece is 5,666 miles. (9118km).
Starting on Baxter Street in Athens, GA, and arriving at W. Bay St. in Savannah, GA, is a 238mile or 4hr trip if you take US441S out of Athens and at Dublin get on I-16E into Savannah. There are some alternate routes, but they all end up being the same time and distance, more or less.