Dragonair evolves at level 55.
The evolved form is dragonite
The cycle is dratini evolves into dragonair and dragonair evloves into dragonite
I heard you have to level it up to 55 and it'll evolve into Dragonite
It evolves into Dragonair boy at 30 female 33 and then into Dragonite at lvl 55 both
Dratini evolve into Dragonair starting at level 30, and Dragonair evolve into Dragonite starting at level 55.If you would like to learn more about Dratini, please copy and paste the following link:Dratini:http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Dratini
Okay, to evolve Dragonair in PC, you need to raise its attack up to 132. You can raise it by battling (and not losing!) and by mining, but it goes slower.
it should evolve at level 30. Again at level 55
You can catch a Dratini with a super rod in the Safari Zone and evolve it into Dragonair at level 30 and then Dragonite at 50, or buy it with coins at the coin exchange at the game corner in Celadon, and evolve it twice. You can also get very lucky and catch a dragonair in the Safari Zone with a super rod and evolve it once.
Dragonair evolve into Dragonite at level 55.
dragonair will evolve at lvl 54 or 56
Dragonair does not evolve by a stone. To evolve a Dragonair, you must level it up to level 55 to get a Dragonite.
Train a dratini to level 36 then it will become dragonair.
Dragonair can evolve into Dragonite by simply Leveling up to Lv.55.
Dratini evolves into Dragonair, starting at level 30. Dragonair, then, evolves into Dragonite at level 55.
Dandriti evolve level 33 and that gets you a Dragonair and Dragonair evolves at level 55
Dragonair evolves to Dragonite at level 55.
yes from dragonair to dragonite at lv.55
Dragonair evolves into Dragonite at lvl 55
You do not need a stone to evolve dragonair... Dragonair evolves into drgonite at lvl.55.
Dratini to Dragonair: level 30 Dragonair to Dragonite: level 55