A stone was laid as a memorial, He wanted to get laid (inf. slang for sexual intercourse) In a day, 3 eggs are laid by each hen. In 1848 North street was laid out. These buttons are laid out in a stupid way.
The verb lie is intransitive, meaning it does not need an object. Example: I lie down. The verb lay is transitive, meaning that it DOES need an object. I lay the book on the table. Tenses are as follows: Lie. Past. I lay down. Past Perfect: I have lain down for five hours. Lay. Past. I lay the book on the table. Past Perfect. I have laid the book on the table.
These two verbs are often mis-used by even well-educated people. In a nutshell, in the present tense: * Lay means to put down or to place and it takes a direct object (Ex: Please lay the soup spoon on the table) * Lie means to be in a horizontal position or be situated and it DOES NOT take a direct object. (Ex: I just want to lie down and go to sleep.) * Lie also means to tell a falsehood, and it does not take a direct object. (Ex: Whenever someone asks me my age: I lie.) The confusion comes from the conjugation of these verbs. To give you examples in present, past, and perfect tense: Lay (lay, laid, laid): I lay spoons on the table. I laid spoons on the table. I have laid spoons on the table. Lie (lie, lay, lain): I need to lie down. I was tired so I lay down. I am comfortable now that I have laid down. Lie (lie, lied, lied): I lie about my age. When asked my age: I lied. I have lied about my age.
how can make the sentence for word mercy
You can make the word stimulate into a sentence by seing what word best goes in front of it.
find the meaning of the word then put it into a sentence
this is a sentence using the word armchair.
This is a sentence in which the word sentence is featured.
The earth lay beneath a blanket of snow.
Chickens and geese lay eggs in their nests.
The fields lay fallow in the winter.
Yes I certainly can make a sentence with that word.
how can make the sentence for word mercy
The severed branch of the tree lay on the ground.
The victim lay with her entrails smeared across the floor.
im wondering the same thinig
Some reptiles lay eggs, and some are viviparous. I can use the word viviparous in a sentence!
I conclude that it is possible to make a sentence with the word "conclude."
Corroborative is the hardest word in the world to make a sentence for.
The men dug a deep ditch to lay pipes for the new septic tank. I fell in the ditch, but luckily it was dry.