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Q: When do white cloud mountain minnows spawn?
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What do white cloud mountain minnows eat?

Any well balanced flake food for tropical fish will do.

Do goldfish and minnows do okay together?

Only if they are white cloud minnows.

Can you buy white cloud minnows or guppies in the UK?

Yes, almost all shops sell guppies and nearly all of them sell white cloud minnows.

How many white cloud minnows can comfortably live in a 20-gallon tank?

A 20-gallon tank can comfortably house around 6-8 white cloud minnows.

How do you remove mosquitoes from a garden pond without polluting the water?

She can buy some little fish that will eat the mosquito larvae. I have White Cloud Mountain minnows.

How long can minnows live?

If by minnow you mean the "white cloud mountain minnow" (Tanychthys albonubes) then they are old at around 2-3years.

Can white mountain mino fish have babies?

Whitecloud Mountain Minnows are egg layers.

Are White cloud minnows cold water fish?

Yes they are. Plenty of websites will give advice.

What other type of fish can live with minnows?

Some types of fish that can live peacefully with minnows include danios, guppies, neon tetras, and white cloud mountain fish. It's important to choose fish that are similar in size and temperament to minnows to prevent any aggressive behavior or conflicts in the aquarium. Always research the specific needs and compatibility of different fish species before adding them to a tank with minnows.

How many flakes do you feed 3 white cloud minnows per day?

2 twice a day for each of them.

Can you keep white cloud mountain minnows in a pond overwinter?

White cloud mountain minnows are not cold water fish, so they may not be suitable for overwintering in a pond in colder climates. They are more suited to warmer temperatures around 64-72°F. It's best to research and choose fish species that are more tolerant of cold water if you plan to keep them in a pond over winter.

What can live with neon tetras?

Harlequin Rasboras White Cloud Minnows Zebra Danios Guppies Mollies Platies Swordtails Corydoras