The french get more and longer holidays
The French get a mandatory seven weeks (35 days) of holidays!
French Holidays are very similar to your own. During French Holidays, the French have common practices that include family dinners, exchanging gifts, travel and family traditions.
you have to take your holidays = tu dois prendre tes vacances
pour les vacances
Bastille Day
Un revillon
Bonnes vacances
"Order now for the holidays" in French is "Commandez maintenant pour les vacances"."Commandez maintenant pour les fêtes!"
Yes French schools give holiday on Easter.
The people in Paris are French and celebrate French holidays, not US holidays. There are some holidays, like Christmas, that are common to both countries, although the common means of celebrating them may differ. Some Americans who are in Paris at the time of an American holiday like Independence Day, may celebrate that day with other Americans or with some of their French friends.