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Q: When did the stolen generation end?
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When did the stolen generation take place?

The Stolen Generation Children who were taken went to Institutes where they were locked in dormetries at night and if they were white enough they were fostered out into white families. If they wern't then as soon as they ewre able to conseve then they were forced to have kids to white men in order to "breed the aborigine out of them"

The phrase stolen Generation refers to?

the policy between 1880 - 1960 which attempted to acculturate Australian aboriginal children

Why did the stolen generation occur?

The Stolen Generation did occur because someone failed to take responsibility and passed on the buck. The government, the parents and the society are the people who led to the occurrence of the Stolen Generation.

Have the crown jewels been stolen?

yes the have been stolen by Sir Walter Raleigh

What is the time frame and name of the last 4 generations?

awakening generation......1701-1723first great awakening......1730-1740Liberty Generation...........1724-1741Republican Generation.......1742-1766Compromise Generation.......1767-1791Second Great Awakening.......1790-1840Transcendental Generation......1792-1821.Gilded Generation..............1822-1842.Progressive Generation............1843-1859Missionary Awakening...............1886-1908Missionary Generation...........1860-1882Lost Generation..................1883-1900.Interbellum Generation............1900-1910G.I. Generation.....................1900-1924Greatest Generation..................1911-1924American High.........1929-1956Silent Generation........1925-1945Baby Boomers..............1946-1964Beat Generation...........1948-1962Generation Jones............1954-1965Consciousness Revolution.....1964-1984Baby Busters.......1958-1968Generation X........1965-1981MTV Generation........1975-1985Culture Wars..........1984-2005Boomerang Generation........1981-1986Generation Y................1982-2003iGeneration.............1986-2000New Silent Generation.......2004-.Crisis of 2020......2020-Source(s):I can do better than that.…

Related questions

What were the effects on the Aboriginals in the Stolen Generation?

what were the impacts on the aboriginals in the stolen generation that were short term

What are some stolen generation facts?

my answer is the stolen generations are Aborigines that were stolen from there family

How many kids died in the stolen generation?

About 100,000 Aboriginal children were stolen in the Stolen Generation

Is the term Stolen Generation underlined or quoted?

No. The term Stolen Generation is neither underlined nor placed in quotation marks.

Why was the stolen generation harmful?

your answer here...

Where did the children of the stolen generation go?

The children of the Stolen generation were sometimes sent to live with white families. Some were also placed in missions.

Is the stolen generation still happening today?


What is the government doing about the stolen generation?

Not enough

How did Australia end up with the stolen generation?

It was because the respective parliament though it right to take children away from their parents and raise them with white people.

Was Noel Pearson a part of the stolen generation?

Noel Pearson is not a member if the Stolen Generation, as he was born after this time. However, he has had direct contact with victims of the Stolen Generation. Pearson came from north Queensland, and was educated in Brisbane. He grew up on Hopevale, a Lutheran mission near Cooktown.

Who ended the stolen generation and how?

gough whitlam government

What was the aim of the stolen generation?

to wipe out the aboriginal culture