

When did the priests make mummies?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: When did the priests make mummies?
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What do priests do on free time?

cuddle mummies

Who made Egyptian mummies?

In ancient Egypt,only priests and his assistants were allowed to make mummies.The whole process takes 70 days.

What did priests do in eygpt?

priests do the same things our priests do today they held spiritual ceremonies and they did the wrappings of the mummies and the burials

How was egyptians priests free time spent?

cuddle mummies

How long did the Egyptians make mummies for?

only one pharoh (king)were put in each pyrimad

Who wraps up mummies?

the people wrap up mummies are not really called anything in particular, the pharaohs and the Egyptians probably call them wrappers.

What is the name of a person who makes mummies?

Mummies are studied by Egyptologists.

Did ancient Egypt have mummies?

Yes, they mummiefied their pharaohs(gods,kings,priests,etc.)

Why should you make mummies today?

why should we still make mummies today

how many mummies have ever been found in a pyramid?

Around 100 mummies have been found in the pyramids of Egypt. These mummies belonged to royalty, priests, and other important figures, and were typically buried with elaborate burial goods to accompany them in the afterlife.

Why were only kings and officials of kings preserved as mummies?

I believe only kings and officials were preserved as mummies because they had a higher ranking than the peasants and the priests and scribes. they deserved to be mummified