The Aleutian Islands were invaded by the Japanese during the battle of Midway. Kiska was invaded on June 6, 1942, and Attu was invaded the next day. While initially intended as a diversion meant to draw out America's carriers so they could be ambushed by Japan's main carrier group north of Midway, they maintained their presence following the battle. The US efforts to retake the islands were as follows; August 1942: US established an air base at Adak May 11, 1943: Start of operation to retake Attu August 7, 1943: Start of operation to retake Kiska August 7th also signalled the end of the Aleution Island campaign as it was discovered upon landing that the Japanese had withdrawn all of their forces from Kiska on July 28th.
The islands and bases seized in the November 1943-February 1944 Gilbert and Marshall Islands campaign were key to establishing airfields that would allow land based air support for the upcoming operations across the Central Pacific. The campaign began with a costly three-day battle at Tarawa, but it's seizure gave the Americans the air control that enabled them to win the Marianas Campaign the following year, and begin daily bombing of Japan.
The Japanese actually occupied part of North America during World War II. They took several islands in the Aleutian chain near Alaska.
The Japanese Invasion of the Aleutian Islands. The Aleutian Island Campaign to drive them out.
No, there were no battles fought in Alaska during the US Civil War.
The Alaskans were major players in the Aleutian Island Campaign of WW2 as well as the subsequent Cold War.
Aleutian Islands campaign
The Aleutian Island Chain is the name of the islands off of the South Western coast of Alaska.
Battle of Guadalcanal. Battle of Iwo Jima. Battle of Okinawa. The Attack on Pearl Harbor. The Doolittle Raid. The Naval Battle of Midway. The Makin Island Raid. The Aleutian Island Campaign. The Battle of Singapore.
Attu is the westernomost island in the Aleutians.
You might check with the local VFW.
No, I don't think so.
The Aleutian Islands.