Poblacion , ( Poblacion is the capital of La Paz Abra in the Philippines )
Sergio Gomez, lider de K-Paz de la Sierra, fue asesinado, aun no se sabe por quien.
Mexico owns baja or lower California.
The Mexican California, Lower California or Baja California is a peninsula composed by two states. One is Baja California, and its capital is the city of Mexicali. The other is Baja California Sur and its capital is the city of La Paz.
Arizona(AZ), Florida(FL), Texas(TX), California(CA), New Mexico(NM), South Carolina (SC), Hawaii (HI), Tennessee (TN), Loisiana (LA)
According to the NACo, the county seat of La Paz County, Arizona, is Parker.
La Paz was founded in 1548 by Spanish Conquistadors
La Paz is the administrative capital of Bolivia, in far western Bolivia near the border with Peru and Chile.
The city of Yuma is in Yuma County. It is south of La Paz county and west of Pima and Maricopa county
La Paz is the administrative capital of Bolivia.
The Capital of Mexico is not la paz its Mexico city La Paz means peace.
* ** Buckskin Mountains-La Paz County ** Chocolate Mountains (Arizona)-La Paz County ** Dome Rock Mountains-La Paz County ** Granite Wash Mountains-La Paz County ** Harquahala Mountains-E. La Paz County -- (W. Maricopa County) ** (Kofa Mountains-N. Yuma County - (S. La Paz County) ) ** Little Buckskin Mountains-La Paz County ** Little Harquahala Mountains-La Paz County ** Little Horn Mountains-La Paz County ** Middle Mountains-S. La Paz County -- (N. Yuma County) ** New Water Mountains-La Paz County ** Plomosa Mountains-La Paz County ** Trigo Mountains-La Paz County * Retrieved from "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mountain_ranges_of_La_Paz_County,_Arizona"Buckskin Mountains-La Paz County * Chocolate Mountains (Arizona)-La Paz County * Dome Rock Mountains-La Paz County * Granite Wash Mountains-La Paz County * Harquahala Mountains-E. La Paz County -- (W. Maricopa County) * (Kofa Mountains-N. Yuma County - (S. La Paz County) ) * Little Buckskin Mountains-La Paz County * Little Harquahala Mountains-La Paz County * Little Horn Mountains-La Paz County * Middle Mountains-S. La Paz County -- (N. Yuma County) * New Water Mountains-La Paz County * Plomosa Mountains-La Paz County * Trigo Mountains-La Paz County Retrieved from "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mountain_ranges_of_La_Paz_County,_Arizona"
La Paz is a city in Bolivia; it does not have a capital.
La Paz was created on 1809-07-16.
La Paz's motto is 'pueblo de paz fundaron para perpetua memoria'.
La Manzanilla de La Paz's population is 3,623.
MediCare is the name of the hospital in La Paz.