He joined it in 95. october after suge knight bailed him out on 1.5 million bail. at the time he was serving sentence in a New York prison, in exchange PAC had to release 3 albums under death row
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Ok, On November 29th, 1994 - Tupac Shakur Went Up To Quad Studio's On
7th Street & 48th Avenue In Times Square, New York. Too Attend A Recording
Session, When He Got There. Biggie's Childhood Friend "Lil Cease" Was On The Roof And Saw Pac Outside Front Of Building.
Lil Cease ----> Yo Pac
Pac ----> Yo Cease
Lil Cease ----> You Coming Up ?
Pac ----> Yeah, I Gotta Gig On The 12th Floor
Lil Cease -----> Ight, Imma Go And Tell BIG
Pac ---> YEAH !
When Pac & His Entourage Enter The Building, There Were 2 Men Dressed
In Army Fatique's With Two Glock Pistols At Gun Point. They Shot Pac, Once In The Back Of Head, Thigh Bone, Pelvis Bone, And In Other Places, Then They Took His Gold Jewelry, And Pac's Bandana Was On The Floor Laying In Blood.
When Cease Told Biggie, That Pac Was Downstairs. He Told Cease To Go Get Him, So Cease & D-Roc Went Down There In A Elevator To Get Him, Pac's Entourage Grabbed Pac And Put Him In The Elevator To Go Up, As Cease &
D-Roc Was Going Down, They Found Tupac's Bandana Laying In Blood.
Hour Later, The Ambulance Came And Got Pac On A Stretcher To Take Him To The Belview Hospital In New York, While Pac Was In The Hospital, He Started
Getting Strange Death Threat Type Phone Calls From People. So He Checked Himself Out Of Hospital, Then On
November 30th, 1994 - Tupac & His Entourage Went To Court For His
Sexual Abuse Trial From 1993. He Was In A Wheel Chair, And Was Found
Guilty. On
February 6th, 1995 - He Was Sentenced To One 1/2 And 1/2 To Four 1/2 Years
In Prison On A Sexual Assault Charge. On
February 14th, 1995 - He Began Serving His Prison Sentence
At Clinton Correctional Facility, Shortly Afterwards, He Released His
Multi-Platinum Album "Me Against The World", Pac Is The Only Artist Ever To Have An Album At #1 On The Billboard 200 Charts While Serving Time. The Album Sold 240,000 Copies In It's First Week, Setting A Record For Highest
First Week Sales For A Solo Male Rap Artist At The Time, While He
Was Serving His Time, He Married His Long-Time Girlfriend "Keisha Morris" On
April 4th, 1995, The Couple Later Divorced In 1996.
In October 1995, Shakur's Case Was On Appeal But Due To His Legal Fees, He
Could Not Raise The $1.4 Billion Bail. After Serving 11 Months Of His One 1/2 Year To 4 1/2 Half Year Sentence, He Was Released From
The Attica Correctional Facility Due In Large Part To The Help And Influence
Of Suge Knight, The Former CEO Of Death Row Records, Who Posted A
$1.4 Million Bail Pending Appeal Of The Conviction In Exchange For Shakur To Release Three Albums Under The Death Row Label. Upon His Release From
Clinton Correctional Facility, He Immediately Went Back To Song Recording. He
Began A New Group Called "Outlaw Immortalz". Shakur Began Recording His
First Album With Death Row And Released The Single "California Love" Soon
After. On February 13th, 1996, Shakur Released His Fourth Solo Album
"All Eyez On Me". This Double Album Was The First And Second Of Three Album
Commitment tO Death Row Records. It Sold Over 9 Million Copies. The Record
Was A General Departure From The Introspective Matter Of
"Me Against The World", Being More Oriented Toward A Thug & Gangsta
Mentality. He Continued His Recordings Despite Increasing Problems At
The Death Row Label. Dr. Dre Left His Post As House Producer To Form His Label "Aftermath Entertainment". Shakur Continued To Produce Hundreds Of
Tracks During His Time At Death Row, Most Of Which Would Be Released On His
Posthumous Albums
1. R U Still Down{Remember Me}; 1997
2. Still I Rise; 1999
3. Until The End Of Time; 2001
4. Better Dayz; 2002
5. Loyal To The Game; 2004
6. Pac's Life; 2006.
He Also Began The Process Of Recording An Album With The Boot Camp Click
And Their Duck Down Records, Both New York-based, Entitled "One Nation".
On June 4th, 1996 - Pac, And The Outlawz Released The Diss Track "Hit Em Up",
A Scathing Lyrical Assault On Biggie And Others Associated With Him.
In The Track, Pac Claimed To Have Had Sex With Biggie's Wife "Faith Evans" At
The Time, And Attacks Bad Boy's Street Credibility. Though No Hard
Evidence Suggests So. So Tupac Was With Death Row Records
From October 1995 - To When He Was Shot & Killed In Las Vegas, NV
On Koval Avenue & Flamingo Road On The Night Of September 7th, 1996 At
11:15 P.M., And Died 6 Days Later On September 13th, 1996, Due To
Respiratory Failure
Rest In Peace
Tupac Shakur
June 16th, 1971 - September 13th, 1996
yes he started out at death row records with 2pac, snoop ect.. then he branched out and made his own label and signed eminem and 50 cent
2Pac is the best selling rapper since his death (1996) having sold more than 100,000,000 albums.
Orlando Anderson stole diamond death row meddallions from the company.
It doesn't have anything to do with the Death Rows where people await execution, and everything to do with Death Row Records. Basically, a Death Row chain is a piece of bling. It's a neck chain with a pendant in the shape of the Death Row Records logo. Apparently all the rappers on Death Row Records had them. What makes it notorious is someone tried to steal Tupac's from him shortly before Tupac was murdered.
their total revenue was 750 million
He worked as a rapper for Interscope Records, Death Row Records, and Amaru Records.
He worked as a rapper for Interscope Records, Death Row Records, and Amaru Records.
No, 2Pac was bailed out of jail by Suge Knight in exchange for 3 albums under Knight's label, Death Row Records.
Death Row Records ended in 2008.
Death Row Records was created in 1991.
yes he started out at death row records with 2pac, snoop ect.. then he branched out and made his own label and signed eminem and 50 cent
Death Row Records is owned by WIDEawake Entertainment Group, Inc. On January 15, 2009, WIDEawake Entertainment purchased Death Row Records for $18,000,000.
Eazy-E would never want to have anything to do with Death Row Records (the label pac was signed to), as he had beef with Dr.Dre, who was on that same label as well.
2Pac is the best selling rapper since his death (1996) having sold more than 100,000,000 albums.
Orlando Anderson stole diamond death row meddallions from the company.
Marion ''Suge'' Knight & Andre ''Dr. Dre'' Young founded Death Row Records in 1991.
It doesn't have anything to do with the Death Rows where people await execution, and everything to do with Death Row Records. Basically, a Death Row chain is a piece of bling. It's a neck chain with a pendant in the shape of the Death Row Records logo. Apparently all the rappers on Death Row Records had them. What makes it notorious is someone tried to steal Tupac's from him shortly before Tupac was murdered.