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2000 years ago, on 24 august AD79, mount vesuvius erupted.

1pm-smoke comes out from the volcano

1.30pm-pumice starts to fall

i think about 5pm it erupted.......i think im not very sure.....

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

79 ad. That was the eruption that destroyed Pompeii and the surrounding towns, however, Vesuvius had certainly not been quiet sine then. It has erupted at least 36 times since 79, most of the eruptions devastating. The most recent eruption was in 1944 when it wiped out three towns and part of a fourth. It also devastated the American air base nearby, where 80 planes were destroyed.

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βˆ™ 9mo ago

Mount Vesuvius erupted in Pompeii on August 24, AD 79, early in the afternoon. The eruption buried the city under volcanic ash and pumice, preserving it remarkably well over centuries.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

Vesuvius erupted at approx. 2:41 am on August 24, 79 AD

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βˆ™ 15y ago

There is no exact time record of the eruption except that it happened in 79 A.D

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βˆ™ 12y ago

august 24th AD 79.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

August 79ad

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βˆ™ 11y ago

79 AD

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βˆ™ 15y ago


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Q: What time did the volcano erupt in pompeii?
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Who made the volcano erupt in Pompeii?

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Why did Pompeii euruppet how did it uruppet?

Pompeii didn't erupt. Mount Vesuvius - a volcano - erupted in 79AD. The ash from the volcano buried Pompeii and a neighboring town, Herculaneum. For more detailed information check out the many websites devoted to this event.

Is the pompeii volcano going to erupt again?

It is possible for Mount Vesuvius, the volcano that buried Pompeii, to erupt again as it is an active volcano. However, there is currently no imminent threat of an eruption. Scientists monitor the volcano closely to detect any signs of increased activity that could indicate a potential eruption.

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Overheating some spaghetti sauce caused an eruption in the cooking class. The historical eruption of Mount Vesuvius destroyed the Greek city of Pompeii. A skin eruption should be kept clean to avoid infection.

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Pompeii does not erupt. Pompeii was a city that was buried by ash and pumice in 79 AD, during an eruption of the volcano Mount Vesuvius.

How did Mount Vesuvius erupt in Italy?

The stuff inside the volcano was building up,and it broke through the volcano. Then it turned into ash and that's how Pompeii happened.

Can a volcano erupt at night when everyone is sleeping?

Yes. A volcano can erupt at any time of day or night. This does not affect a volcano.

What time did the volcano erupt?

1 am

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A volcano is easy it's an active volcano but there are thousands that could erupt tomorrow

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What is a volcano that does not erupt called?

It can be called an active, dormant or extinct volcano. An active volcano erupts regularly and frequently, however, it might not erupt at some times. A dormant volcano rarely erupts. Therefore, it does not erupt for most of the time. An extinct volcano does not erupt anymore.

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