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`because they loved aura troncoso ,yilian guerrero and maria jose capeans

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12y ago
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13y ago

The single most important of such battles occurred on May 5, 1862. The war was won by Mexico on June 21, 1867.

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10y ago

That specific battle (Battle of Puebla, or Cinco de Mayo) happened 152 years ago, on May 5th, 1862.

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Q: How many years ago was the battle of french vs Mexico?
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How many french died in the Mexico battle?

You mean during the Cinco de Mayo battle alone? 117 Frenchmen died. If you mean during the whole war against Mexico, some 12,000 died.

Who won the battle against Mexico and united staes?

There have been many throughout the years. Most have been won by the U.S., though.

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None, it was a land battle.

How many yeears have Mexico been celebrating Cinco de Mayo?

Some 147 years: The Cinco de Mayo commemorates the Mexican army's unlikely victory over French forces at the Battle of Puebla on May 5, 1862, under the leadership of Mexican General Ignacio Zaragoza. The Battle was important because 4,000 Mexican soldiers defeated a much better-equipped French army composed of 8,000 men that had not been defeated for almost 50 years.

How many years has Mexico been going on?

About 200 years (modern nation of Mexico, that is).

What happened on Cinco de Mayo?

During the French-Mexican War, the Battle of Puebla was fought on May 5, 1862. Mexican forces won the battle against the much larger and better equipped French Army. Many confuse Cinco De Mayo with Mexican Independence Day, which is September 16. Mexico gained independence from Spain on that day in 1810.

How did the french revolution affect mexico?

Well the French Revolution affect not only Mexico, it affect many countries or places too, but in Mexico it affect more in the economy than in other things.

How many years does the president of mexico serve for?

6 years

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There were about 187 Texians and about 2,400 soldiers from Mexico.

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The battle with Grendel has been going on for 12 years.

How many French and Mexican troops fought in the Battle of Puebla?

The Mexican Army had 4,000 and the French had 8,000.

How many troops did the french bring to the battle of dien bien phu?

The French brough 10,800 troops .