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The Difference Machine was started in 1821 but failed its test in 1833. In 1842 Charles Babbage created the Analytical Engine; he completely abandoned the Difference Machine. It was never completed but it helped improve Britain's machine-tool industry. In 1991, the National Museum of Science and Technology built a replica of the Difference Machine; it was a real working one. In 1879, Charles Babbage's son reassembled a section of the Difference Machine, which was auctioned for auction in London auctioned in Sydney for $282,000. On October the 18th 1871, London, UK, Charles Babbage died.

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Charles Babbage is a funny funny name...don't you think so??

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About 1860.

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Q: When did Charles Babbage make his counting machine?
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When did charles Babbage make the computer?


What materials did Charles Babbage use to make his computer?

Charles Babbage used mild steel, brass, metal, and gears

Why did Charles Babbage make the first computerin 1840?

He didnt. He tried to get money for it in 1835 but investors where sceptical due to Babbage's earlier construction failures. In 1837, swedish engineer Georg Scheutz managed to build a machine based on Babbage's blue prints

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Who invented the different engine?

Charles Babbage invented the Difference Engine because "On June 14, 1822, Charles Babbage proposed the use of such a machine in a paper to the Royal Astronomical Society, entitled "Note on the application of machinery to the computation of astronomical and mathematical tables".[4]This machine used the decimal number system and was powered by cranking a handle. The British government was interested, since producing tables was time consuming and expensive and they hoped the difference engine would make the task more economical."

What was use to make the first computer?

Charles Babbage was the first one to think of it.

Why did Charles Babbage make a computer?

The most important reason was to automate the production of mathematical tables which were used in the British navy for navigation. Human'computers' were found to be mking numerous mistakes and Babbage realised that a machine coupled to aprinter could do the repetetive job without errors. His ideas were sound but his instrument maker struggled to complete his instructions. The science museum in London has built a working machine and printer to Babbage's design.

Who are the scientist discovered computer?

The Abacus is a Japanese adding machine that consists of beads on wires strung between a wooden frame. The position of the beads indicated the number and you could do simple math with it. It is one of the oldest forms of computers.

What was the name of the person that invented the first computer?

Charles Babbage (26 December 1791 - 18 October 1871) Charles Babbage was an English mathematician, philosopher, mechanical engineer and (proto-) computer scientist who originated the idea of a programmable computer. Parts of his uncompleted mechanisms are on display in the London Science Museum. Working from Babbage's original plans, a computer was ultimately built and functioned perfectly. Built to tolerances achievable in the 19th century, the finished engine indicated that Babbage's machine would have worked. Babbage had even designed a printer; it featured astonishing complexity for a 19th century device.

Who was the developed the first programmable computer?

ada lovelace worked with charles babbage to make the first computer programme

When did Charles Babbage invent the abacus?

While Charles Babbage did invent a calculator as well as what is considered the first programmable computer, he did not invent the abacus. This basic counting tool was invented in China around 3000 B.C. Babbage most certainly would have known of the abacus, indeed he likely would have used one himself, but it is not a tool of his original design.

What inspired Charles Babbage?

In Babbage's time, complex mathematic calculations were tedious and subject to frequent human error. His designs were born of a need to make solving these problems easier and more error-free.