21 became the national standard when a 1984 federal law reduced highway funds for states with a lower age. States are still free to set their own limits, however all 50 states raised the legal age to 21. The legal drinking age in California has always been 21 though.
Interestingly, 19 states do not specifically prohibit drinking under the age of 21, only the purchase and public possession (with certain exceptions) of alcohol. See Related Link.
September 10 1989
Prior to 1972 the minimum drinking age was 21 in Michigan. Michigan lowered the minimum drinking age from 21 to 18 in 1972, raised it from 18 to 19 in 1978, and raised it from 19 to 21 in 1978.
1986 and that was for the entire United States.
The legal drinking age in the Cayman Islands is 18.
The drinking age in Belize is 18 , however in Hunduras there is no "legal drinking age" :)
wheat is age for drinking in Pakistan 18
There is no legal drinking age, but you have to be 18 to purchase.
The legal drinking age in Vanuatu is 18
The legal drinking age in Nicaragua is 18
There is no age restriction