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In many countries they never had gallons. The Litre has been used in Continental Europe since before Napoleon. Other countries have gradually changed from Imperial to Metric. In Canada the change has been done very slowly since the mid 1970's. The US has also agreed to change to metric back in 1866, but along with Burma and Liberia are still clinging on to customary measures.

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10y ago
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4mo ago

The conversion from gallons to liters occurred in the 1970s with the introduction of the metric system in the United Kingdom and other parts of the world. The change aimed to standardize units of measurement for consistency and ease of use in international trade and scientific communication.

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13y ago

We didn't. We still measure liquids in ounces, and by law most products sold by liquid volume must have the liquid volume specified in ounces on the packaging. The actual volume may be an even metric amount... for example, a two-liter bottle of soda... but it still has to have the volume in ounces on the label.

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14y ago

They are always most active while we sleep. They want to rob us of our very dignity

and of our very liberty, decay our teeth, and poison our minds with their infomercials.

We can never be too vigilant.

The gallon hasn't been changed. It's still the patriotic unit of fluid volume and gasoline

in the USA, and they can never change that.

The liter is a unit in a whole different system ... the system they use in places all over the

world where simple, natural inches, pounds, quarts and gallons aren't good enough for them.

They have a whole set of peculiar things like meters, kilograms, newtons and liters. They

completely trashed the natural units, that our forefathers fought for and are so easy to

understand, and forced their people to change to these made-up things that takes their

kids years to learn.

Theirs can't even stand up to ours in a fair fight. It takes almost 3.79 of their liter things

to make one of our gallons. Ours will always be bigger than theirs, and they can never

take it away from us!

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12y ago

They didn't, some countries use one ond some the other.

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12y ago


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