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Q: When are tides at their highest moments?
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Are tides lower at new moon?

NO. This is when the tides are some of the highest.

What is the term for the lowest and highest tides on earth?

Spring tides

When are tides there highest?

Spring tides have the greatest tidal range.

The highest tides are called?

Spring tides. These occur when the sun, Earth, and moon are aligned, causing maximum tidal range.

What phase of the moon the highest and lowest tides on earth?

New and full moons produce the highest and lowest tides. These are called spring tides

Where are the highest tides in Britain?

Where are the highest tides in Britain? The Bristol Channel on the west coast of England. Best wishes

The highest and lowest tides are known as the spring tides. When do these tides occur?

this is called EbbTide

Where are the highest tides in Canada?

The highest tides in Canada occur in the Bay of Fundy, located between New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. The tides in this region can reach up to 16 meters (52 feet) in height, making them some of the highest tides in the world.

What happens when high tides are at there highest and low tides at there lowest?

death Neap tide.

Are tides at their highest during neap tides?

No Neap tides are when the sun,earth, and moon form a right angle. This makes the the water on earth be pulled towards the sun and the moon. causing the tides to be very low. Spring tides are when tides are the highest because the earth,sun,and moon are in a line,causing very high tides.

Which phases of the moon bring the highest tides what cause the height tides?

The highest tides, known as spring tides, occur during the full moon and new moon phases when the sun, moon, and Earth are aligned, creating a stronger gravitational pull on the ocean. Spring tides cause higher high tides and lower low tides.

What causes the highest tides?

The highest tides, known as spring tides, are caused by the gravitational pull of the sun and the moon aligning with the Earth, creating a stronger combined gravitational force. When the sun and moon are in alignment during a new or full moon, the gravitational pull is strongest, resulting in higher high tides.