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Q: When and why did Tchainovsky start playing an instrument?
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Can teenagers start playing the cello?

of course! its never too late to start playing an instrument.

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when he was 5 years old he found a pasion for musuc

What does a decrescendo sign mean?

It means when your playing an instrument you start loud then get soft. I play the violin..

What age did Charles Dickens start playing instruments?

No references found about Charles Dickens as a musical instrument player.

Does playing an instrument affect your golf skills?

Learning and playing an instrument are only going to be of benfit to you.

Is the percussion a loud instrument?

It can be loud but It can be soft and quiet. depending on the percussion instrument you are playing and how you are playing it .

How does a musician change the frequency of the notes played by an instrument?

It depends on the instrument that they are playing.

What instrument do you play before playing an oboe?

any instrument, i started on flute

Is playing the piano good for you?

Playing any musical instrument is good for you.

Should cildren play an instrument?

Yes. Playing an instrument teaches children patience.

Name musical instrument start with the letter m?

The mandolin is a musical instrument. The mellophone is a musical instrument.

Does playing an instrument help finger growth?
