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an actress is someone that is involved in " acting "

such as : Beyonce , Angelina Jolie , etc .

basically someone that is involved in a movie role or an acting seen .

( if your school has a Romeo and Juliet play and they choose you to play either part you are bascially an actor * male actor * or actress * female actor * )

hope that helps !


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Cameron Sanford

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3y ago
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13y ago

an actress is someone that is involved in " acting "

such as : Beyonce , Angelina Jolie , etc .

basically someone that is involved in a movie role or an acting seen .

( if your school has a Romeo and Juliet play and they choose you to play either part you are bascially an actor * male actor * or actress * female actor * )

hope that helps !


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15y ago

An actress is a female actor. an actor is a person who acts in stage plays, motion pictures, television broadcasts, etc.

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