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A balance of healthy carbohydrates, fats, and protein. All eaten in a portion fit to your calorie needs throughout the day, in intervals (for some people this means bigger portions for breakfast, lunch and dinner...and others it means smaller portions, more frequently throughout the day) email if you need help with more nutrition questions:

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16y ago
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14y ago

A balance diet is when you eat healthy food. So for example you eat a bit of sugar everyday not too much dairy products such and such it keeps you on a balance diet and also remember to get excercise.

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10y ago

The meaning of a balanced diet is when a persons eating habits are perfectly balanced. This means having the right amount of each type of food.

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13y ago

a balanced diet is a diet containing all the necessary food groups, such proteins legummes you know

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14y ago

Making sure you have equal weights of food in each hand before stuffing your face!!

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11y ago

good for health

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What does balance mean in health?

A balanced diet, a food from every food group in one meal

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What is a balance deit or what?

a balance diet is one with three or more food groups in your meal or diet. c;

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What is the importance of balance diet in early childhood development?

it is important that you have a diet. chilren should he a diet too.

Is it possible to prepare a balance diet?


What well happen if you do not have a balance diet?

you get fat

Why do you need balance diet?

For a heathly lifestyle 

How do you treat deficiency?

by having a balance diet.

What is the difference between proper diet and balance diet?

Nothing in particular. However in some contexts a proper diet can mean being for a specific type of person where sometimes able to juxtapose to a balanced diet in which these are a general, broader statement. E.g. A proper diet for a swimmer is consists of more carbohydrates but a balanced diet is generally for anyone.

How exactly does core balance diet works?

The core balance diet is geared towards women. It looks at 6 chemical imbalances and determines which one affects you most and tries to help you balance them for a better you.

How do you treat deficiency diseases?

by having a balance diet.