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Q: What you call someone who doesnt do his work on time?
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a dolley is someone that doesnt work.

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yes he is cheating on you

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The only way to avoid seeing someone you work with is to get a new job.

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on call . it doesnt make senseif your "in call" on call means that they can call you into work anytime .

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Tell then how you feel, If that doesnt Work, Move on...

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an offline game is when someone uses the game and it doesnt work

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No. Tests are smarter than that. It doesnt matter what you told someone, chemistry doesnt lie.

What do you call someone who does not like to work?

A Sloth.

When you get an xbox 360 back from repair is there a possibility it might still not work?

trust me it should work if it doesnt work call them to give u a new 360.