

What year was the Alps built?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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Q: What year was the Alps built?
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Why was the alps built?

because they needed somewhere to poo

Who built the Matterhorn in Switzerland?

Nobody built the Matterhorn. It is a mountain. It was built by geological forces which pushed up the Alps.

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How many tourists visit the French Alps per year?

more than 120 million people visit the alps every year

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What examples are there of tourism in the alps?

There are several great examples of tourism in the Alps. Many tourists visit the Alps to see the cheese making and the woodworking. They also visit to see the mountains at various times of the year.

How many people visit the alps?

120 million each year

What is the mountain north of rome?

There isn't any. Rome is built on and aroud hills, which in no way could be considered mountains. The mountains in Italy are the Apennines and the Alps, neither of which are in Rome or even near to Rome.

How many visitors does the alps get every year?

The Alps get approxomatilly 5,780 tourists a year due to all the famous climbers that rest in nourishment there. The most famous resting place is on Mont Blanc in the village of Lorenzina.

What are the divisions of the Alps?

Western alps, central alps, and eastern alps

What is the coldest temperature in The Alps?

The coldest temperature recorded in the Alps was around -45°C (-49°F), typically occurring at higher elevations during the winter months. These extreme temperatures are more common in the upper regions of the Alps where snow and ice persist year-round.

Are the alps covered in show year round?

yes to the person who asked this question