The Twin Towers attack was on 11sep2001
The first bombings at the World Trade Center occurred in either September or October 1993. I'm not quite sure about the month, but definite on the year.The World Trade Center bombing occurred on February 26, 1993. It happened below the North Tower, due to a truck bomb being detonated.
The reason it is called "9/11" is because it was on September (the 9th month), the 11th. A The year was 2001.
Fort Sumter was attacked in April of 1861.
The Twin Towers attack was on 11sep2001
The Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York City were destroyed on September 11, 2001 when two airliners crashed into them.In an earlier attack on February 26, 1993, a truck bomb was exploded in the parking garage under the North Tower.
The towers were completed in 1972, and collapsed in 2001 - 29 years.
they were built 1966 , they collapse in 2001
Opened at 4 April 1973.
More than a million people visit the Twin Towers every day!
The bombing of the Towers took place in 1993.