He was promoted to the rank of lieutenant general and general- in-chief in March of 1864.
The first General in Chief of the Union Army was Lieutenant-General Winfield Scott.
Lieutenant General Ulysses S. Grant had the nickname of Unconditional Surrender. He was given this nickname as he requested the South to surrender unconditionally and immediately.
General Grant
Lee surrendered the Army of Northern Virginia to Lieutenant General Ulysses S. Grant.
He was promoted to the rank of lieutenant general and general- in-chief in March of 1864.
The Union general commanding at Vicksburg was Ulysses S. Grant. The Confederates were led by Lieutenant General John C. Pemberton.
General Ulysses S. Grant was successful in his campaigns in the western part of the Union's war efforts in Tennessee. Upon Lincoln's appointment of Grant to Lieutenant General, his fame became well known. As the military head of all Union forces, he was responsible for the defeat of the Confederacy. His successes were well known and his war victories helped Grant to be elected US President.
At the end of the US Civil War Lieutenant General US Grant the the chief commander of Union forces. He was the so-called general in chief. Others had held that title but none had been promoted to Lieutenant General.
Union General US Grant was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant General by President Lincoln in March of 1864. Grant was only the second US general to hold this high rank which gave him control of all Union forces. Previously only George Washington held this title.
The first General in Chief of the Union Army was Lieutenant-General Winfield Scott.
The rank of lieutenant general was established by the Confederate Congress in 1862. Out of respect for George Washington, who held this high rank, the Union waited until February of 1864 to do this. Basically this rank was requested by US President Lincoln for his new general in chief, US Grant.
Ulysses S. Grant was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant General March 2, 1864 and was appointed General in Chief of the Federal Armies on the 10th of that month.
He was a union general and later became the 18th president
Lieutenant General Ulysses S. Grant had the nickname of Unconditional Surrender. He was given this nickname as he requested the South to surrender unconditionally and immediately.
Ulysses S. Grant was a General for the Union Army.
yes general grant was part of the union and later on became our 18th president