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Kane holds the record in 2001 for eliminating 11 wrestlers.

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Q: What year did Kane eliminate 11 wrestlers in royal rumble?
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Who will be the one to win royal rumble?

2011 royal rumble KANE

Was masked Kane in royal rumble 1982?

no no there was no royal rumble in 1982 besides Kane never came to wwe untill1997

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Did Kane make it to the 2011 royal rumble?

yes, Kane came in last nights smackdown show to prove that he his ready for the royal rumble 2011.

How many people did john cena eliminate in the royal rumble?

1 (triple h) 2 (carlito) 3 (mark henry) 4.(kane)

When is Kane going to win the royal rumble?

he did in 2011

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KANE then he attact cena and zack rider

What place did WWE Kane get in the 2005 royal rumble?

No. 27

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Why do the undertake has so much anger turwed Kane?

word on the street is that Kane had once eliminated taker in a royal rumble is what i no