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If I could, I would bring a piece of flint for fire, a Swiss army knife/pocket knife, a pot for water or food, appropriate clothes for the weather, strong rope, a first aid kit, sunscreen, and others.

But really? If you actually are stranded on a desert island, then you'll probably have nothing. It's not like you'll expect it.

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14y ago

People say things such as: Family, Friends, Plasma Screen TV the whole world etc. But those people aren't thinking straight, because what you'd really need would be a phone to tell people to come and rescue you.

You wouldn't have any signal or telephone wires so that would be more pointless than the rest as you couldn't do anything! Plus there would be no electricity to charge it so you wouldn't be able to use it after a couple of days anyway, also if you had a phone you wouldn't be stranded, you might as well bring something useful like some food or something.

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16y ago

1, my toes 2, a computer ( and somethin that holds the internet) 3, some clackers, they are very adictive. If i could have 4, maybe, some brains!!!!

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12y ago

knife, rope, matches, sleeping bag, book, laptop, toy, friend etc.

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14y ago

ill take a gun and food and shelter

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Q: What would you bring to a deserted island 3 things?
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