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3mo ago

You can perform a simple taste test by taking a small amount of the liquid on a clean fingertip and tasting it. If it tastes salty, then it likely contains dissolved table salt. Alternatively, you could use a conductivity meter to test the electrical conductivity of the liquid, as salt solutions are good conductors of electricity.

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12y ago

1) measure the conductivity of the water. (or the resistance.. they are reciprocols of each other)

pure water has a resistivity of about 18.2 megaohms.

water + salt has a resistivity much closer to zero ohms. it can conduct electricity quite well.

2) you could evaporate some of the water. if a white solid remains, it had salt in it.

3) you could try precipitating out the chlorine by adding silver nitrate. if a ppt forms.. you probably had table salt in your water

4) you could run it through an ICP.. that should be able to measure sodium and chlorine if it's calibrated to it. But they are rather expensive and complex to maintain and operate.

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11y ago

No it will make salt water which makes certain objects float. Like the Dead Sea in Japan it is salt water and people float easy than it does in say a swimming pool.

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13y ago

Salt Water

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Q: A beaker contains a clear colorless liquid if it is water how could you determine it contained dissolved table salt?
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