well since rome was highly corrupt you would most likely be poor as crud... unless you were a traveling saleman... i think they were fairly rich... basically u would eat bread everyday that the government would hand out.. then you would go to the colluseum and watch gladiators kill each other.
The Roman's had red and yellow shields so they could show them selves. This is so that there rivals would plane a sneak attack. The roman' would here them but act like they diden't. Then it happen there rivals attack but the roman's are ready so they attack to.
he would be the last person on the field surrounded by the rest of his army with shiny army and a battle hat
As a Roman god, the Romans like to think he had no weaknesses.
The Roman numeral XXXVIII would be 38.
The Roman goddess Venus.
tThey had hospitals in Roman times, but only for the military. If a civilian became ill he/she was treated at home.tThey had hospitals in Roman times, but only for the military. If a civilian became ill he/she was treated at home.tThey had hospitals in Roman times, but only for the military. If a civilian became ill he/she was treated at home.tThey had hospitals in Roman times, but only for the military. If a civilian became ill he/she was treated at home.tThey had hospitals in Roman times, but only for the military. If a civilian became ill he/she was treated at home.tThey had hospitals in Roman times, but only for the military. If a civilian became ill he/she was treated at home.tThey had hospitals in Roman times, but only for the military. If a civilian became ill he/she was treated at home.tThey had hospitals in Roman times, but only for the military. If a civilian became ill he/she was treated at home.tThey had hospitals in Roman times, but only for the military. If a civilian became ill he/she was treated at home.
No pension.
Because he needed a job. Soldiering was an honourable profession in Roman times.
If it was discovered then most likely you would be tried and sentenced. The sentence would depend on the circumstances. You would be like put in jail and stuff.
In modern parlance it would be a Pub owner or a bartender. In Roman times it might have meant a civilian contractor to the Roman legions. In ancient Rome, and thus as used in the Bible, a tax collector was referred to as a publican.
Bruh, engrish prease. Was the question, "How do you usecivilian in a sentence?" If so, it would be like this: the civilian was taken away from the bar because he was heavily intoxicated. A civilian is any person not in the armed forces or police forces.
The ancient Roman looked like the modern Roman except he would be wearing a toga and tunic, whereas the modern Roman would be wearing a suit and tie or jeans and tee shirt.The ancient Roman looked like the modern Roman except he would be wearing a toga and tunic, whereas the modern Roman would be wearing a suit and tie or jeans and tee shirt.The ancient Roman looked like the modern Roman except he would be wearing a toga and tunic, whereas the modern Roman would be wearing a suit and tie or jeans and tee shirt.The ancient Roman looked like the modern Roman except he would be wearing a toga and tunic, whereas the modern Roman would be wearing a suit and tie or jeans and tee shirt.The ancient Roman looked like the modern Roman except he would be wearing a toga and tunic, whereas the modern Roman would be wearing a suit and tie or jeans and tee shirt.The ancient Roman looked like the modern Roman except he would be wearing a toga and tunic, whereas the modern Roman would be wearing a suit and tie or jeans and tee shirt.The ancient Roman looked like the modern Roman except he would be wearing a toga and tunic, whereas the modern Roman would be wearing a suit and tie or jeans and tee shirt.The ancient Roman looked like the modern Roman except he would be wearing a toga and tunic, whereas the modern Roman would be wearing a suit and tie or jeans and tee shirt.The ancient Roman looked like the modern Roman except he would be wearing a toga and tunic, whereas the modern Roman would be wearing a suit and tie or jeans and tee shirt.
As in most countries, a civilian is normally a person is not in the military. Accordingly, an Australian civilian would be an Australian who is not in the Australian military.
Roman numerals have the same numerical values as in civilian life and so it follows that the Army's usage of them makes no difference.
If you mean personal washing and personal cleanliness, the standards were high, just as in civilian life Remains of baths have been found at Roman forts. If you mean washing in the sense of laundry, the officers had slaves to tend to their clothing while the enlisted men did their own.
300 would be represented by 'CCC' in roman numerals.
You would write it like this. CCCIV