Good luck in prison! LOLAdded: You have heard of caller ID haven't you?
If you called the police on your teacher for no reason you would probably be charged with reporting a false incident. If there is a valid reason to call the police on your teacher then the only thing that would happen is that the teacher would be dealt with by the police and courts in an appropriate manner.
No, not anything more than would happen to the non-police parent of a delinquent.
Well, you would probably get in more trouble because that is a law. NEVER RUN FROM POLICE!
It is very likely that the teacher would be arrested for assault on a police officer.
you would get a thank you or the police will say "don't hug me because i do not know you and i should not be hugging.
They might be brought to the police station and be given a warning.
A palindrome for a prank would be a gag because it is spelled the same forwards or backwards.
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What kind of prank do you want? A crash prank (like a Blue Screen of Death prank)? A virus prank? Just search on Google when you think of a prank you would like to play on. Sorry, didn't helped much, but, the most I can say, good luck and enjoy.
A prank is a practical joke on someone. I would watch "Prank Patrol" for some examples. Anyways, a simple prank is telling someone they're late for work/school, and messing with all of their clocks. It's rather simple really.