Most words spelled with -ear have a long E sound called a caret I, which sounds like "ear" as in fear, gear, and hear. It is also heard in words such as beer and pier. A few have the long A sound called a caret A, which sounds like "air" as in fare and fair. These are bear, pear, swear, wear, and tear (rip).
Some words that sound like igloo:AccrueAdieuAdoAndrewAnewArgueAskewBambooBantuBayouBestrewBlewBlueBooBreakthroughBrewCanoeCashewChewClewClueConstrueContinueCooCorkscrewCrewCuckooCueCurfewDebutDewDoDrewDueEmuEnsueEweFewFlewFlueFluGlueGnuGooGrewGuruHaikuHairdoHebrewHeretoHewHinduHonoluluHoodooHorseshoeHueHughHullabalooImbueImpromptuIntoIssueKazooKnewKudzuLieuLuluMenuMewMildewMiscueMisdoMooMuumuuNephewNewOutdoOutgrewPewPoohPursueQueueRescueRueScrewShoeShooShrewSkewSlewSlueSpewStewStrewSubdueSueTabooTattooTheretoThrewThroughThumbscrewTissueToTooTributeTrueTwoUndueUntoUntrueVenueViewVoodooWaterlooWazooWheretoWhewWhoWithdrewWooYahooYewYouZebuZooZulu
Words that look like they sound are called "onomatopoeia." These are words that imitate or suggest the sound that they describe, such as "buzz" or "splash."
Some words that sound like "net" include pet, wet, and get.
words like pencil with the "l" sound
Two words that sound like "chew" are "hue" and "moo." These words have a similar vowel sound to "chew."
Easy words with ch that sound like K:chiorchoruscharacterEasy words with ch that sound like SH:chutechefcrochetmachineparachute
Some words that sound like Angela include angel, angle, angelic, and angler.
Some words that have the same ending sound as who and to are:blewbluebrewcluechewcluecoocoupcrewcuedewdodrewdueeweflewflufluegluegnugoogrewhewhueknewlieuloomewmoonewpewphewpoohqueuerouxruescrewshoeshooshrewskewslewspewstewstrewsuethrewthroughtootruetwoviewwooyewyouzoo
'Sound like F' Ph WordsSome words that are spelled with a pH that sounds like an f are: pharmacyphenolphialphlebotomyphonephrasephysical