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"tantalize" is a word that has it's origins in Greek mythology. According to myth, Tantalus was the king of Lydia. He was the son of Zeus, king of the gods. The gods favored him, and he was often invited to dine with the gods. One thing that everyone agrees on with this myth is that he angered the gods. Not everyone agrees on how he did it though. Some say he betrayed their secrets, while others claim he stole their food. A more gruesome explanation is that he served the flesh of his son, Pelops, to the gods to try and prove that they couldn't tell the difference between human and animal meat.

Tantalus' punishment was that he was placed in a pool of water in the underworld and surrounded by fruit trees. When he tried to eat or drink the food or water would recede away from him. Of course, he couldn't starve to death because he was in the underworld so he was already dead. I suggest that you research this more. Greek mythology is very interesting.

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Apollo is the name of a very famous Greek god (also a space name (Apollo 13)).

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