amuse oneself, be life of party, caper, carouse, carry on, cavort, clown, cut capers, cut up*, dally, dance, disport, divert, entertain oneself, fool around, frisk, frolic, gambol, go on a spree, horse around*, idle away, joke, jump, kibitz, kick up heels, let go, let loose, let one's hair down, make merry, mess around*, rejoice, revel, romp, show off, skip, sport, toy, trifle Source:
The word 'play' is a verb (play, plays, playing, played) and a noun (play, plays).
The noun play is a word for a theatrical performance; an activity for recreation or enjoyment'; the movement of light over surfaces; a space in which a part of a mechanism can move; a word for a thing.
Example sentence for the noun 'play':
The noun forms of the verb 'play' are player and the gerund, playing.
Kids isn't an old word so It doesn't come out in Latin as another word. Children at Play is: Liberi procul lascivio.
A 1921 science-fiction play R.U.R. (Rossum's Universal Robots) by Karel Čapek It is the Czech word for forced labour or servitude.
Riddle: Where Do Tadpoles in the Pawn Shop Come From? Answer: From a frog pawned (word play on pond).
It comes from a role she had in a play. Her real name was Betty Mae
He liked to play in the sand.My dog and I play all the time.She tried to play with his heart.
I'll be able to come out and play when I finish my chores.
The word 'libero' is Italian. It comes from the Italian word that means free because the libero can switch in and out to play defense without using substitutions.
when i was a lad used to play basketball. come along,lad.Time for you to get home.
Interval is the gap in a play or performance were you can leave and come back for the second half.
"Varuka" is the Malayalam word for 'come'.
No. The name Shylock was created by WIlliam Shakespeare for the money-lender character in his play The Merchant of Venice.
There was a play in which a Mrs. Malaprop over and over used the wrong word. She might say she sent her dog to the kettle when she meant kennel. I wish I could remember the name of the play, but just Google"Malaprop" and you'll find it.