LXIX is 69 L = 50 X = 10 I = 1 In Roman numerals, the largest value goes to the left, followed by the lesser values to the right. Except when a smaller value is placed before a larger value it means subtract the smaller value from the larger value to the right. Hence LXIX = 50 + 10 + ( 10 - 1) = 50 + 10 + 9 = 69 .
It is 73.
37: How? Every time a new number is put into the sequence, when you subtract it from the number before it, it will equal an odd number of greater value. For example; 72-69=3 69-64=5 64-57=7 57-48=9 48-37=11
Sorry, no known examples exist in MS-69 for this coin, a MS-67 example does list at $930.00
69. I understand absolute value to be the value irrespective of sign.
LXIX is 69 L = 50 X = 10 I = 1 In Roman numerals, the largest value goes to the left, followed by the lesser values to the right. Except when a smaller value is placed before a larger value it means subtract the smaller value from the larger value to the right. Hence LXIX = 50 + 10 + ( 10 - 1) = 50 + 10 + 9 = 69 .
69 is the number after 68 and the number before 70
69 days 69
PF-69 is not a value, it's a grade. But it does affect the value, the higher the grade the more value a coin has. A PF-69 coin is one grade below a "Perfect" proof coin.
The 13th letter of the alphabet is the letter M which stands for Marijuana. The number 69 represents the sexual position.