Well, it could be a number of things ranging from your distibutor cap, coil, or or rotor, to your crankshaft sensor or fuel pump. The crankshaft sensor would be my guess for that model and year. chiefy98clg at Yahoo dot com
Check your crank shaft sensor
Could be a bad battery or starter.
There are a few issues that can cause a 2006 Chevy Suburban to not start on first crank. These can include a dead or drained battery, problems with the fuel system, or issues with the starter.
I had same problem -- fuel pump went out.
will a bad crank shaft sensor make a 2005 chevy equinox not start
yes, also no fuel pump and maybe a blown fuse.
if you have messed up the stiring wheel
I need to know why do i need to crank my chevy truck to start ?
A 2003 Chevy Suburban will crank but not start if it has no spark or fuel. Checking for a clogged fuel filter or fouled spark plugs can help to resolve the problem.
it would be the best to buy a new starter
crank sensor will cause car to no start cam sensor will only set check engine light kbutlrtech@yahoo.com
I was told it could be bad fuel pump.