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Europe and The Pacific.

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Q: What were the two main theatre of war in World War 2?
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How was World War 2 two separate wars?

Pacific TheatreEuropean Theatre

What were the theaters in World War 2?

Eastern Front, Italy and from D-Day on, Normandy, France, Belgium, etc.

What were the two main sides in world war?

Allies and Axis.

World war two axis?

The two main beligerents of WWll were Japan and Germany.

Which two countries were part of the theatre of operations known as the Western Front during World War 2?

The British and the Americans

Where in the world was the second world war?

The Second world war was faught in two "theaters" also known as regions there was the Pacific Theatre which was faught mostly between Japan and America and consisted of the Philippines and the Japanese islands. There was also the westeren theatre which was faught in Europe and the very tip of North Africa.

Who was most important in World War 2?

The main two charachters in World War Two were Sir Winston Churchill, and although he was evil Adolf Hitler.

Who were the 2 main countries in World War 2?

japan and germany where the two main countries in ww2

What were Truman's two main challenges after World War 2 ended?

Contain communism and re-establish a war torn world.

Hitler's two main helpers during World War 2?

they were hung

Similarities between the Europe war and the war in Iraq?

There is no such thing as the Europe War. There were two main wars in Europe in the 19th Century: The First World War and the Second World War.

WHo was Italy allied with?

During World War Two, Italy's main ally was Germany.