reservationists are a group of people that followed Henry Lodge, who opposed the Treaty of Versailles.
It contradicted the power of Congress to declare war.
u.s. senators
where is world war 1 come from?how many years a go in world war 1?what is world war 1?how many people dead in world war 1?who is win in world war 1?how many people live in world war 1?when the world war 1 start?how many helicopter they use?when thwe world war fished?
I wasn't in the world war 1
Senator Lodge
The reservationists were a group of people who were hesitant to go to war. There was also another group that opposed Wilson's League of Nations and were led by Henry Cabot Lodge.
The reservationists were a group of people who were hesitant to go to war. There was also another group that opposed Wilson's League of Nations and were led by Henry Cabot Lodge.
It contradicted the power of Congress to declare war.
millions died in world war 1 millions died in world war 1 millions died in world war 1 millions died in world war 1 millions died in world war 1 millions died in world war 1 millions died in world war 1 millions died in world war 1 millions died in world war 1 millions died in world war 1 millions died in world war 1 millions died in world war 1 millions died in world war 1 millions died in world war 1
u.s. senators
where is world war 1 come from?how many years a go in world war 1?what is world war 1?how many people dead in world war 1?who is win in world war 1?how many people live in world war 1?when the world war 1 start?how many helicopter they use?when thwe world war fished?