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The four types of Greek government are:


A monarchy means in Greek, "ruled by one". In a monarchy the city-state was ruled by one ruler or king. The family of the king or ruler also got power.


An oligarchy in Greek means "ruled by few". In an oligarchy a small group of the richest and most powerful citizens controlled decision making.


A democracy is what we have today. It means in Greek "rule by the people". Citizens got to vote on decisions.


A tyranny is sort of like a monarchy. The city-state is ruled by one king. Though, that king makes harsh decisions and had all power. They take over things by force.

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12y ago
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14y ago

The forms of government are "monarchy", "oligarchy", "tyranny", and "democracy". Ancient Greece was made up of City-states. Today in the United States, we have states, but in Greece each city-state was an independent country. Different city-states had different governments.


A monarchy means "ruled by one" in Greek. In a monarchy, one ruler or king rules the City-State. The rulers family also gets power.


Oligarchy means "ruled by few" in Greek. In an oligarchy the most wealthy citizens had power to make decisions. Back in ancient Greece, Citizens could only be men, not women or slaves. The poor had no power while the wealthy had all.


In a tyranny one king ruled. A tyranny is characterized by an oppressive ruler. Tyrannies were just like monarchies, but they were unfavorable.


A democracy is when people have the right to vote to make decisions. Unlike our system of government, which is a republic, people in a democracy vote directly for decisions. The democracy was a success while other governments didn't last

These are the four types of governments.

Eventually, ancient Greece fell because it was divided. The city-states fought amongst themselves, and then a more powerful country came in and conquered them.

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18y ago

a republic, voting, rights Some of the ancient Greek states developed a form of democracy. (Women and slaves were not allowed to vote, but compare this with the situation in America say in 1850).

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15y ago

Aristotle's theory was that there were six types: the three basic and best were monarchy (rule of one), aristocracy (rule of the best) and democracy (people power). He noted a natural degradation - monarchy to tyranny (rule of an autocrat), aristocracy to oligarchy (rule of the few) and democracy to ochlocracy (mob power).

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13y ago

There were four main governments that I know of in ancient Greece:

Monarchy: Ruled by one king.

Oligarchy: Rule by a small group

Democracy: Rule by the citizens, people born in Greece who were free (not slaves)

you forgot tyranny, which I think came second.

Tyranny: Rule by power or authority.

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6y ago

Monarchy, Oligarchy, Tyranny, Democracy.

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