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Criminals start to be good people.

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Q: What were some of the unintended consequences of Prohibiton?
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What are some intended and unintended consequences for the environment as a result of developments in biotechnology?

Intended consequences of biotechnology include the development of genetically modified crops that can increase yields and reduce the need for chemical pesticides. Unintended consequences may include the unintended spread of genetically modified organisms in the environment and potential disruption of local ecosystems.

What do you get from revolution?

You get change, sometimes with unintended consequences.

Are there any unintended consequences of the discovery of radium?

yes there are.

What are unintended consequences?

Results of an action that were not predicted or planned

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The Newsroom - 2012 Unintended Consequences 2-4 is rated/received certificates of: Netherlands:12

Concepts refers to the consequences of social patterns that are unintended and less well known?

Yes, unintended consequences of social patterns that may have unexpected outcomes or implications. These unintended consequences can arise from various activities, decisions, or policies within society. They are often not well understood or anticipated beforehand.

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The War That Made America - 2006 Unintended Consequences 1-4 was released on: USA: 2006

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Unrecognized and unintended consequences of the social structure are called?

Unrecognized and unintended consequences of the social structure are called social issues or unintended consequences. These can arise from the interactions between different elements of society and have impacts that were not originally anticipated or foreseen by those involved in creating the social structure.

Why do idea models have limitation?

Unintended consequences would be one reason.

How do revolutions improve society?

They bring change, sometimes with unintended consequences.