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He is a conventional man, a nice guy. He goes about seeking Juliet as his bride in the conventional way, by asking her Dad, not in the unconventional way of climbing up to her bedroom window. But he does not love Juliet passionately; he is prepared to marry her without having ever spoken to her; his interaction with her at Friar Lawrence's cell (the only time we see them together) is stilted and awkward (not that she helps make it smoother).

He dies by being Mr. Nice Guy. Taking flowers to the grave of his fiancee, he comes across Romeo an enemy of the Capulets and who he thinks is part of the reason she died. He is also breaking the law just by being there. So what doesParis try to do? He makes a citizen's arrest. Romeo warns him he is in too deep here, but oh no. Paris must uphold the law.

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 10y ago

To sum it all up, he is a pretty-boy. He is self-centered, and uncourageous. He is the reason for the war (by stealing Helen from Menelaus). Aphrodite favors him. He is son of King Priam and brother of Hector. He, despite his uneagerness for war, is skilled with the bow and arrow but terrible when it comes to hand-to-hand combat (spearing).

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βˆ™ 15y ago

I'd call him eager and awkward

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Q: What character traits are possessed by aphrodite in The Iliad?
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