As of July 2014, the market cap for Alcatel Lucent (ALU) is $10,447,472,402.64.
The average price of Caterpillar stock would depend on the time frame one is calculating the price of Caterpillar stock. As pf July 12, 2013 the price of Caterpillar stock was $87.17 US Dollars.
According to the Yahoo! Finance historical chart, the price on July 9, 1996 was $50.75.
BP's stock price as traded on the US exchanges is $29.85 as of July 2, 2010.
Birgitte Price died on July 17, 1997, in Denmark of cancer.
$175 per share in July, 1987
stock price for american brands, inc in 1969
The historical stock prices for AT&T are July 19, 1984 stock price was 59.75 at openening and 59.38 at closing and on June 17,2011 the opening price was 30.65 and closing was 30.61.
$1.375 on July 8 1982