A king was the person who was responsible for the well-being of the people living in his kingdom, and the only person who would lay out all the rules and punish those who are breaking the rules.
King William I Was a Ruler Of great Britain in The Medieval Times. King William I Was a Ruler Of great Britain in The Medieval Times.
The King, Pope and some medieval countries had emperors.
Henry VIII was the King of England in the Tudor era, which was later that what we would call medieval times.
King Richard was around during the medieval times.
In medieval times, you could have been dragged out and hung, had your head chopped off, or become the king.
King William I Was a Ruler Of great Britain in The Medieval Times. King William I Was a Ruler Of great Britain in The Medieval Times.
King Stephen
There was no "rank". He was king and that was it.
king William
The King, Pope and some medieval countries had emperors.
The first king lived in medieval times
Henry VIII was the King of England in the Tudor era, which was later that what we would call medieval times.
The kings role in medieval times which is the greatest one of the kings roll is the leadership.
He was a French King in medieval times.
In medieval times people had to show extreme deference to a King and Queen. They had to bow, and only speak when they were spoken to.
People in medieval times has to show deference to the king and queen. They had to speak only when spoken to, and usually had to bow and curtsy.
King Richard was around during the medieval times.