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The most positive effects of British colonial rule would have been the protection which was afforded a colony of Great Britain. When British colonists were being attacked by Native tribes and the French, the British came to battle in North America. While it might have been easy to attack a few, random settlers, it was quite another thing to go up against the formidable British Army.

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Some positive effects of British colonial rule include the introduction of modern infrastructure such as railways and roads, the establishment of a unified legal system, and the spread of the English language which has become a global lingua franca.

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India won its independence from?

Great Britain

What government did the Americans live under before 1776?

Before 1776, the American colonies were ruled by the British government under the system of colonial rule. This system allowed the British government to make decisions for the colonies and impose taxes on them without their representation in Parliament.

How are Mughal and British rule alike?

Both Mughal and British rule in India were characterized by centralized authority, administrative systems, and military control. However, the Mughals ruled through a more decentralized system of governance with a focus on religious tolerance and cultural integration, while the British implemented a more direct and exploitative colonial administration that eventually led to Indian independence.

Why did Britain pass new laws that the colonists referred to as the intolorable acts?

Britain passed the Intolerable Acts in response to the Boston Tea Party as punishment for the colonists' protests against British colonial rule. The acts were intended to assert British authority over the colonies and quell dissent, leading the colonists to view them as harsh and unjust.

How did Gandhi use civil disobedience?

Gandhi used civil disobedience as a nonviolent method of protest and resistance against British colonial rule in India. He organized marches, strikes, and boycotts to challenge unjust laws and policies, aiming to create awareness and garner international support for India's independence. Gandhi believed in the power of nonviolent resistance to create social and political change.

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British Colonial Rule British Colonial Rule in 1980 18 April

What type of colonial rule did British have on India?

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Was Zimbabwe under European colonial rule?

Yes. It was under british colonial rule in the early 1900's.

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There were several differences, but the clearest is that French colonial rule was direct from the Paris while British colonial rule preferred to leave amenable local leaders in charge.

What effect did colonial experiences have on the Founders' views about rights and government?

Colonial experiences under British rule had a profound effect on the Founders' views about rights and government. The Founders knew what it was like to live without liberty or representation in government. These insights are reflected in the US Constitution, particularly in the Bill of Rights.

What has the British empire gained from Bangladesh?

BD was not under Brit colonial rule

What are the advantages of direct rule?

The British control the Gold coast by their colonial masters

How did the French system of colonial rule differ from that of great Britain?

France exercised more direct control over its African colonies.

How did colonial rule affect tribal lives?

There was a great impact of colonial rule on pastoral community. Under colonial rule there life changed dramatically . Due to the colonial rule their grazing ground shrank as the colonial states were trying to bring most of the land under cultivation. The revenue they had to pay increased because land revenue was the only source of income for the colonial states.They wanted to increase cultivated areas so as to increase revenue and most probably they can produce more jute,cotton,wheat etc. required in England.

How did the french system of colonial differ from that of great Britain?

There were several differences, but the clearest is that French colonial rule was direct from the Paris while British colonial rule preferred to leave amenable local leaders in charge.

Who led a powerful non violent resistance to British colonial rule in India?


Who was president in 1714?

The US did not exist in 1714. The country was under British colonial rule.