Kings and Popes... I believe. (:
It affected the holy roman empire by German emperors tried to control the church officials, nobles and popes. In which revolved into conflicts when it was time to select certain church official, and monarchs.
The Byzantine emperor ordered all icons destroyed and the pope disagreed which led to Charlemagne the Holy Roman Emperor.
Well This Question Is Mainly Found In The Worksheet Given With The Textbook So After the popes rebellion what the spanish had a fight with my Farts
The popes of Europe and a gindence leader Nitsuj . He was a old pope of Ireland but decided to go to Europe to hel out with the European raids. The keepers of viking history and legend were called skalds. These poets needed to have excellent memories and be good singers. They carried whole histories in their heads, and could recite, word for word, stories that might take several days to tell. This was an important skill for society in which most people could not read or write.
Popes are not buried standing up. They are buried in the normal position.
Nearly all popes die during their papacy since the position is for life. A few, very few, have resigned but the vast majority died in office.
Please specify a particular pope - one of the 266 who have held the position.
Popes do not elect popes. Popes are elected by the cardinal electors.
This question needs more details. There are sixteen Popes called Benedict (the current Pope is Pope Benedict XVI) and thirteen Popes named Innocent.
No, popes are not related by blood to Saint Peter. They do, however, fill the same position as Peter.
The vast majority of popes have been Italian. As of February of 2013 there have been only 18 popes from other countries.
There have been 17 popes from France, the second behind Italian popes.
the popes had more power over the kings
When the schism came to a close, near the time of the Council of Constantine, three popes where vying for the official position: Gregory XII- Roman Catholic Church Benedict XIII- French Catholic Church John XXIII- German Catholic Church
Papaphobia is the fear of popes.
There have been 217 Italian popes and only 49 non-Italian popes.