North had way more people than South
At the outbreak of Civil War,
the Union had 18 715 055 inhabitants,
the CSA had 9 103 332 inhabitants, of which 3 522 034 slaves,
the Border States had 3 024 745 inhabitants, of which 430 929 slaves.
Before the start of the US Civil War, the population of the North was 22 million people. The total war deaths for the North were 365,000, leaving a population of 21,635,000. This number is not exact since it doesn't include births during the Civil War or deaths from other causes, because exact numbers are not known.
Washington d.c.
These ships were called blockade runners
Before Bull Run, most assumed that the war would be short and easy.
Much bigger population from which to recruit armies. Nearly all the industrial manufacturing capability in America. A Navy big enough to blockade the Southern ports. A big advantage in artillery. A President of exceptional talent.
Rapid population growth
Much bigger population and much bigger manufacturing capacity.
an increase in the number of factories and jobs. (Study Island)
navy blue
Washington d.c.
to free all slaves from slavry in the south
Before the civil war the north economy was based on agriculture. It was later based on the industrial revolution after the war.
Mary-Joe-anna or Jo-mama
To reunite the states and get the cotton revenues back.
The north wants to end slavery The north wants to end slavery
These ships were called blockade runners
Before Bull Run, most assumed that the war would be short and easy.
The most talented President the Americans ever had