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Bilbo named the dagger, the size of a sword for a hobbit, Sting after his battle with the Spiders in Mirkwood. He named it Sting because it stung the spiders. During Frodo's rejuvenation in Rivendell in The Lord of the Rings, when they were about to leave, Bilbo gave him his dagger.

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The knife does no feature in the books, and is not named in the films. In the movie companion book Weapons and Warfare it is simply called "Hunting knife" and are told it contains the Sindarin inscription "Gud Daedheloth" which means "Foe of Morgoth's realm".

Replicas are available online and they are usually called "Aragorn's hunting knife", "Aragorn's knife" "Strider's Elven Knife" or other similar names.

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